The story is centered around, protagonist, Laura Gantt- a mixture between tom boy and feminism- and her three friends: Sean Halloran, Cassie Bright, and her little sister Tigger. The four of them made a pack during their childhood years to always be there for each other no matter what. Eighteen years later, the death of Laura's mother brings the group back together. During this time stories began to surface about Laura's father faking his death ten years earlier. Some people believe the stories, while others choose to ignore, or keep quiet about it. All of this reunites the old flame between Laura Gantt and Sean Halloran. Laura's father Elliott Gantt-a veteran- had been like a father to Sean. Sean had been a victim of abuse by his father, who ends up in jail. Cassie and Tigger have gotten married and they are also dealing with a mother that is out of character; they can't understand why. A lot of secrets and memories surface between friends and family as they work to uncover the truth about Laura's dad being alive.
I like this story because number one it's christian based. Moseley intertwines her characters beautifully as she deals with subjects such as: OCD, death, spousal and child abuse, marriage affairs, marriage life, young love, small town and family life. Without giving away the whole story this is a must read.
A little bit about the author. Meg Moseley now resides in Georgia with her family; she has lived in many other cities and considers herself a Californian. She is a lover of fiction whether she's reading or writing it. She writes for the Altanta Journal-Constitution in the suburban edition.
I recieved this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for doing this review. I was not required to write a positive review, all thoughts and opinions are mine.
A little bit about the author. Meg Moseley now resides in Georgia with her family; she has lived in many other cities and considers herself a Californian. She is a lover of fiction whether she's reading or writing it. She writes for the Altanta Journal-Constitution in the suburban edition.
I recieved this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for doing this review. I was not required to write a positive review, all thoughts and opinions are mine.